Definition List

Sunday, May 11, 2014


How do I prepare for the english descriptive test, is one query commonly asked by aspirants appearing for bank exams.The concern showcases vital importance this section has created among entrants since it decides their qualification.Candidates especially from rural areas
& towns find this part to be difficult than objectiveA
test as it involves writing detailed answers in
By knowing the exact pattern along with the kind of
questions to expect, it is possible to clear
descriptive paper.
To help those getting ready for IBPS common
written exam for bank PO jobs - Bank has compiled a comprehensive guide to explain about
the descriptive english test question paper
This article deals about 1) What is descriptive test 2) Pattern 3) Books 4) Sections
What is it?

An officer in a bank will have to write letters, prepare reports or send views & opinions to higher officials as &
when required.
So descriptive paper as part of bank ing exams aims to check the english language proficiency
of applicants.
Last year, many candidates failed to secure pass marks in descriptive paper making them ineligible to apply
for bank jobs. How?
If you do not clear or score qualifying marks in any objective section – your descriptive test
paper will not be taken up for evaluation.
Apart from securing minimum marks in each objective test, its also necessary to pass in
descriptive test to receive scorecard from IBPS.
As you can see from the image,
1. The time allotted for descriptive section is 60 minutes (1 hour)
2. It carries a maximum weightage of 25 marks
The formula to calculate total weighted score (TWS) is:
Standard scores in (Reasoning + Quantitative aptitude + General
awareness + Computer k nowledge + ½ English language + ½ Descriptive paper)
You can expect the english descriptive paper to contain questions mostly from these 3 categories
Letter Writing
Precis writing /Summary writing
Essay Writing
Previous year questions:
In the previously conducted common written examination for PO/MT posts, descriptive test paper consisted of
the below questions (based on memory)
1. Write a letter to your brother/sister in 150 words explaining the importance of Lokpal bill
OR a letter to the concerned authority informing about the shortage of water supply in
your area OR a letter to the editor of a leading newspaper for starting cultural heritage
programmes in your state
2. Write an essay in 250 words on any of the given topics a) E-banking b) Emerging
trends of aviation industry in India c) Global world converting into global village

3. Make a precis of the following article in 125 words & provide a title to it (a long passage
would be printed)
The word count specified in the question is important as you will have to write the answers on the question
paper itself, within the space provided.
Whatever be the exam, preparatory books act as source of reference.Here is a good book from Kiran
prakashan with model practice sets, that can be bought online or from your local bookstore.
In detail:
A general rule that must be followed while answering is not to make spelling mistakes. Now let us see what
type of questions could be asked in each category.
Letter writing: There shall be internal choices for this part.You will be asked to write a letter to someone you
know (parents, friend, relation etc) or to an authority informing about certain issues.
Prepare for atleast two formats, so you can answer one based on the question.
Essay writing: A topic/title is given based on which you need to write an essay in about 250 words.This is
also an internal choice question wherein three topics shall be provided for you to choose any one.
It is not possible to memorize articles beforehand.So pick up a random topic related to banking, finance,
current affairs etc.,& practice writing.Here is our list, which you can try:
Economic slowdown in India
FDI in retail
Rise of the American dollar
Pollution in developed countries
Rural banking
Precis Writing: Read the given article of atleast 500 words, understand its meaning, summarize & make a
precis (shorter version).The only requirement is – do not change the meaning of the original passage.
For practicing - take a long newspaper report, leave unnecessary details, pick points that are important & write
a summary.Compare both to make sure you have not deviated from the original article.
We hope this post could infuse the required confidence in your minds.

Posted on 11:58:00 AM by Metal detector md 6350 buy in India immediate shipment



Important welfare schemes:
Imp points
2011 feb
Banking and  financial facilities-loans to above 2000 population villages and 5 no frill accounts by march 2011

Providing nutritional food to 11 to 18 years group adulscent girls
This program implemented through child health scheme
Indira Gandhi mathrutva sahayoj yojana
Govt. of India provides 4000 rs to pregnant women or lactate mothers

Rajiv Gandhi adivaktha radhiksan yojana
Sc, st ,bc women young lawyers skill development

Unorganized sector labour pension scheme

Pradana mantra adarsh gram yojana
Govt. of india gives 10 lakh rs to above 50% sc population villages
It is a pilot program
Rajiv avash yojana
Urban free slum

Rashtriya krushi vikas yojana
Agriculture development

Mahila kissan swasakthi kiran pariyojana
Women farmers development

National food security mission

2007 august

Food guarantee to bpl people(bellow poverty line)

Rashtriya swastha bhima yojana
Bpl health insurance coverage

Amadmi bhima yojana
Bpl people life insurance coverage

Sakshara bharat
Women literacy development

Rashtriya madhamika siksha mission
Secondary education development

Bharat nirman
6 lakh facilities provides to rural area people
Roads, drinking water, irrigation, telecommunication, electricity, housing
Jnnurm-jawaharlal Nehru national urban renuable mission
Infrastructure facilities to urban areas people

Mnrega- mahatma Gandhi national rural employment guarantee act
2006 feb 2nd
100 days work guarantee to rural areas people

Swarna jayathi program
Self help groups
Dwakra(10-15-20 members can stand as a group)
To help women develop themselves and to create a strength in them to stand on their own feet

Posted on 11:57:00 AM by Metal detector md 6350 buy in India immediate shipment



Preparing for SBI PO Descriptive Exam? Know Topics to Cover
How do I prepare for the English descriptive test, is one query commonly asked by aspirants appearing for bank exams.The concern
showcases vital importance this section has created among entrants since it decides their qualification.Candidates especially from rural areas & towns find this part to be difficult than objective test as it involves writing detailed answers in

By knowing the exact pattern along with
the kind of questions to expect, it is possible to clear descriptive paper.

To help those getting ready for SBI PO recruitment 2013 exam our group
has compiled a comprehensive guide explaining about the descriptive english test
question paper

This article talks on 1) What is descriptive test 2) Pattern 3) Books 4) Sections

What Is It?
An officer in a bank will have to write letters, prepare reports or send views & opinions to
higher officials as & when required.
So descriptive paper as part of banking exams aims to check the english language
proficiency of applicants.
Every year, many candidates fail to secure pass marks in descriptive paper making them
ineligible for personal interviews. How?

If you do not clear or score qualifying marks in any objective section – your
descriptive test paper will not be taken up for evaluation.
Apart from securing minimum marks in each objective test, its also necessary to pass
in descriptive test.

Descriptive Exam Pattern
As already discussed the SBI PO exam will contain the following sections,

Some important points to understand to keep in mind

Minimum qualifying marks

Total marks
Data analysis and interpretation
Objective test cut off marks for


This is just to give you an idea..not so perfect
Some important points to understand in here are:
1.  You will have to answer descriptive section within 60 minutes (1 hour)
2.  It shall be conducted for 50 marks
3.  In SBI PO 2011 exam descriptive cutoffs were 20 (gen) & 18 (others). See

previous year SBI examination cutoffs for the complete picture. 
You can expect the english descriptive paper to contain questions from these categori
Letter Writing
Precis writing
Essay Writing
Reading comprehension & Paragraph writing
Previous year questions:
In the previously conducted common written examination for PO/MT posts, descriptive
test paper consisted of the below questions (based on memory)

1.  Write a letter to a branch for closing savings account OR to a friend inviting
him/her for seminar on netbanking OR to a bank for higher education loan.
2.  Write an essay on any of the given topics a) Right to education act b) Financial
Inclusion c) How technology can benefit banking industry.

The word count specified in the question is important as you will have to write the
answers on the question paper itself, within the space provided.

Whatever be the exam, preparatory books act as source of reference.Here are some
good books for SBI PO recruitment from Arihant publications

* How to crack SBI PO exam (guide with explanations/solved papers) – Rs.296

* Descriptive English Guide (covers SBI PO descriptive) – Rs.259 

How to Prepare:
A general rule that must be followed while answering is not to make spelling mistakes.
Now let us see what type of questions could be asked in each category.

Letter writing: There shall be internal choices for this part.You will be asked to write a
letter to someone you know (parents, friend, relation etc) or to a bank manager enquiring
about a service or to a newspaper editor.

Refer to the books mentioned above or use your Std.X or XII grammar book to know
about letter formats.

Essay writing: A topic/title is given based on which you need to write an essay in about
250 words.This is also an internal choice question wherein three topics shall be provided
for you to choose any one.

It is not possible to memorize articles beforehand.So pick up a random topic related to
banking, finance, current affairs etc.,& practice writing.Here is our list, which you can try:
FDI in retail
Rise of the American dollar
Are bank mergers beneficial?
Latest technologies in banking
Precis Writing: Read the given article of atleast 500 words, understand its meaning,
summarize & make a precis (shorter version).The only requirement is – do not change
the meaning of the original passage.
For practicing -
1.  Take a long newspaper report,
2.  Leave unnecessary details,
3.  Pick only the important statements
4.  Write a summary.
Ask any of your family or friends to compare both to make sure you have not deviated
from the original.

Paragraph writing: Titles will be printed & you must write a paragraph related to the
given topic in not more than 150 words.

To write good paragraphs, sentence formation should be proper & to cultivate it one
must read english magazines & newspapers.Story or comic books can also help you gain
control over writing skills.

Paper 2:
banking related questions suggested Descriptive
paper question were
 1.Right to Education Act
 2. Rural Development
 3. Write a letter to bank manager issue loan , go for higher studies in USA
 4. write a letter to your friend , attend seminar and topic is NETBANKING
5. write a letter to close your account in a bank
 6.what is Financial Inclusion
 7. Banking industry growth 8. If I were an author....
. 9. How technology is helpful for Banking sector.


1.Give Three measures to improve the life of people affected from Terrorism.
Give Three measures to improve the life of people living in Industrial Slums.( I don’t know exactly but the language o
quite similar I attempted the Terrorism related Question)
2. Give three measures to provide potable water in rural areas. Also analyze the effects of the efforts taken so far
Describe the effects of the Public Distribution System (PDS). Also mention how it can be improved.
3. Give Three Views For & Against
” Salary of M.P’s Should be increased or not? ( Intresting one only one answer absolutely not Ha Ha Ha …! Though it’s been increased
” Do not rot the grains, feed the poor” statement stated by Supreme court.
4. Financial literacy should be made available to Vulnerable Sectins of society to make them aware of Financial services along with
their Instinct Benefits. Discuss the statement.
Unique Identification (UDI) is actually a mobile utility. Give views.
5. Analyze the effect of T.v (Viewing) on the mind of the Young Generation
Analyze the effect of Magazines(Reading) on the mind of the Young Generation Caste System in India

Friends I have collected this from different sites.. I have not prepared on my own..

But what I want to infer conclusion points from the above questions asked on how to do well in the exam.

See officer in a banking is a prestigious one.. so many problems we deal with.. today what ever we deal
In banking is purely related to money

As everyone know money plays important role in the economy so banks deals with almost every sector of our economy.
Clearly if u observe the questions asked previously.. we can say that he is going deep in the economy..i think u didn’t get that.. k fro example consider the question asked

1.Give Three measures to improve the life of people affected from Terrorism.(see here asked about terrorism so we need to know some
Thing about terrorism.. recently where effected so we need to read newspapers)
Give Three measures to improve the life of people living in Industrial Slums.( I don’t know exactly but the language o
quite similar I attempted the Terrorism related Question
2. Give three measures to provide potable water in rural areas. Also analyze the effects of the efforts taken so far
Describe the effects of the Public Distribution System (PDS). Also mention how it can be improved.
3. Give Three Views For & Against
” Salary of M.P’s Should be increased or not? ( Intresting one only one answer absolutely not Ha Ha Ha …! Though it’s been increased
” Do not rot the grains, feed the poor” statement stated by Supreme court.
4. Financial literacy should be made available to Vulnerable Sectins of society to make them aware of Financial services along with
their Instinct Benefits. Discuss the statement.
Unique Identification (UDI) is actually a mobile utility. Give views.
5. Analyze the effect of T.v (Viewing) on the mind of the Young Generation
Analyze the effect of Magazines(Reading) on the mind of the Young Generation Caste System in India

K lets discuss this questions.. by inferring

All these questions .. I said previously to read why because he will give apt explanations
Of what is going around and by that you can know how will be our economy.. what goes how it effects economy..

So do read the banking material provided in this site ie: from gktoday site only. And also read daily to understand our economy.. what’s going on..hope I think it is useful to u

If you have any doubts in banking terminology can ask me at 8971042537 and

Posted on 11:57:00 AM by Metal detector md 6350 buy in India immediate shipment



Terms related to sports
Relay, Photo finish, Track, Lane, Hurdles, Shot-put, Discuss Throw, Hammer Throw, Triple Jump, High Jump, Cross
Country, etc.

Shuttle cock, Service court, Fore hand, Back Hand, Smash, Hit, Drop, Net, Love, Double fault, etc.

Pinching, Home run, Base runner, Throw, Perfect game, Strike, Put out, etc.

Free throw, Technical foul, Common foul, Under head, Over head, etc.

Master point, Perfect deals, Gland slam, Dummy, Trump, etc.

Billiards & Snooker
Pull, Cue, Hit, Object ball, Break shot, Scoring, Cushion billiards, etc.

Knock. out, Round, Ring Stoppage, Punch, Upper-cut, Kidney punch, Timing, Foot work, etc.

E. L. O. rating, international master, Grand master, Gambit, Kings Indian Defence,

Sprint, Time trial, Point race, Track race, etc.

Toss, Run, Wicket, Pitch, Stump, Bails, Crease, Pavilion, Gloves, Wicket Keeper,
Over, Maiden over, Follow-on, Rubber, Ashes, Catch, Bowled, Stump out, Run out, L. B. W; Hit Wicket, Not out, No ball, Wide ball,
Dead ball, Over Throw, Bye, Leg by, Cover drive, Late cut, Hook, Glance, Stroke, Spot, Pull, Sixer, Follow-through, Turn, Googley,
Spin, Yorker, Bouncer, Hat trick, Round the wicket, Over the wicket, Seamer, Boundry line, Slip,
Square leg, Runner. Cover, Gully, Long on, Silly point, Midwicket, Mid on, Forward short leg, Deep/mid-wicket, etc.

Horse riding
Three day Event, Show jumping, Presses, Faults, etc.

Goal, Kick, Head, Penalty kick, Dribble, Off side, Hat trick, Foul, Left out, Right out, Stopper, Defender, Move, Side back,
Pass, Baseline, Rebound, Comer Bick, etc.

Parallel bar, Horizontal bar, Floor exercise, Uneven bar, Push up, Sit up. etc.

Cocoa, Blue, white, Green belt, etc.

Bully Sudden death, Short corner, Hat trick, Goal, Penalty Corner, Penalty stroke,
Push in, Cut, Dribble, Scoop, Centre forward, Half back, Astroturf, Left in, Left out, Off-side, Tie breaker, Carried, Stick, Striking
circle, Under cutting, etc.

Freestyle, Breast stroke, Back stroke, Butterfly, Lane, Pool, Crawl, etc.

Polo-Bunker, Chucker, Mallet, etc.

Service, Grand slam, Advantage, Deuce, Game Point, Breakpoint; Smash, Shot, Grass Court. Break, Drop shot, Net play,
Baseline, etc.

Rapid-fire Pistol, Standard rifle, Air rifle, Free pistol, Range, Bull's eye, etc.

Table Tennis
Volley, Late service, Half volley, Back hand, Drive spin, Chop, etc.

Weight Lifting
Snatch, Jerk, etc.

Deuce, Spikers, Booster, Smash, Sidearm, Penetration, etc.

WrestlingFree style, Hal Nelson, Point, Heave, etc.

Important dates to remember:

January 12- national youth day

January 30-martyr's day

January 26-international customs day

February 28-national science day

march 8-international women's day

march 15-world consumer rights day

April 7-world health day

April 22-earth day

may 1-international labor day

may 8-world red cross day

may 17-international telecommunication day

may 31-anti tobacco day

July 11-world population day

September 8-world literacy day

September 16-world ozone day

September 27-world tourism day

October 24-un day

December 1-world aids day

12-jan national youth day.
15-jan army day.
24-jan girl child day (in India)
26-jan India’s republic day and international customs day.
30-jan martyrs' day

24-feb central excise day.
14-feb valentine's day
28-feb national science day.

8-mar international women's day.
15-mar world disabled day.
21-mar world forestry day.
21-mar international day for the elimination of racial discrimination.
23-mar world meteorological day.

5-apr national maritime day.
7-apr world health day.
18-apr world heritage day.
22-apr earth day.
25-apr world veterinary day

1-may workers day (international labor day).
3-may press freedom day.
May (2nd Sunday) mother's day.
8-may world red cross day.
11-may national technology day.
15-may international day of the family.
17-may world telecommunication day.
24-may commonwealth day.
31-may anti-tobacco day.

4-jun international day of innocent children victims of aggression.
5-jun world environment day.
June (2nd Sunday) father’s day
15 June world elder abuse awareness day
14 June world blood donor day
26-jun international day against drug abuse & illicit trafficking.
27-jun world diabetes day.

6-jul world zoonoses day.
11-jul world population day.

3-aug international friendship day.
6-aug Hiroshima day.
August (1st Sunday) friendship day. (In India)
9-aug quit India day and Nagasaki day.
15-aug independence day.
29-aug national sports day.

5-sep teachers' day.
8-sep world literacy day.
16-sep world ozone day.
21-sep Alzheimer’s day.
26-sep day of the deaf.
27-sep world tourism day.


1-oct international day of the elderly
3-oct world habitat day.
4-oct world animal welfare day.
8-oct Indian air force day.
9-oct world post office day.
10-oct national post day.
13-oct un international day for national disaster reduction.
14-oct world standards day.
15-oct world white cane day( guiding the blind).
16-oct world food day.
24-oct un day, world development information day.
30-oct world thrift day.

14-nov children's day (in India)
20-nov Africa industrialization day.
22-nov children’s day
29-nov international day of solidarity with Palestinian people.

1-dec world aids day.
4-dec navy day.
7-dec armed forces flag day.
10-dec human right day.
23-dec kissan divas farmer's day.
Sports: Olympics ,cricket hockey and football:

Place held and year
International Olympic committee: 1894 estd lussanne.
Present president: jaques rogge
Indian Olympic association president:
v.k.malhotra(acting means temporary)
Olympic flag 1st hosted: Antwerp Olympic games 1920
Total rings:5
Red colour: American continent

Every 4 years Olympics will be held
winter Olympics
2014 : Sochi, Russia
2018 : pyeongchang, south Korea

Summer Olympics
2012 : London, uk
2016 : rio-de-janerio, brazil
Beijing Olympic games
Michael Philips won large no of gold medals
Riyoda jeneroj brazil
Asian games -
2014 : incheon, south Korea

2nd youth Olympics - 2014 : ninjang, china


13th finance commission of India : Vijay kelkar - [2010-15]
19th law commission of India : p.v.reddy - [2009-12]

Asian games -

2014 : incheon, south Korea

2nd youth Olympics - 2014 : ninjang, china

Posted on 11:56:00 AM by Metal detector md 6350 buy in India immediate shipment

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